
How To Dissemble iPhone 4

How To Dissemble iPhone 4
Step By Step Tutorial 4 iPhone Disassemble.

Step 1.

Pick your iPhone 4 ..
Step 2
Open on the 2 screw on  bottom of the your iPhone 4.

Step 3.
  Remove back side of the iPhone 4.

For remove iPhone 4 Battery click here for tutorial

 Step 4.

    Use screw driver for removing screws.
   Remove top side screws.

Remove left side screw .

  Use plastic stick for removing the jack and strips.Do not use screw driver it may be damage jack or strip.

Step 6.
 Remove camera strip and remove camera. 

Remove all jack connect to upper board an remove it.
Remove the board
Board Pictures
Step 8.
 Remove All other connector from the top board

Final Step.

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