
Call Blocker Free for iPhone [Best Cydia Apps.- DEB/Source]

Call Blocker Free for iPhone [Best Cydia Apps.- DEB/Source]

Call Blocker: Cydia app. for iPhone, lets you block unwanted phone numbers.You can easily select the number from your contacts list, recent history list or manually.

Call blocker is an alternative to iBlacklist.

Compatible with iOS 4.0+, Partially Compatible with iOS 5.0+ (May cause safe mood loop!)


Installation and Download

Call Blocker Free (Install with Cydia)

- Available for free in the following sources:

Insanelyi Source
HackYouriPhone Source
. . for sources Go Here

Call Blocker Free [Download .deb]


-Improved phone number matching algorithm. Now you can type numbers in any format.

How to install .deb File

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