
MXBOX/HTI Unlock Nokia Lumia 710 Step by Step

Many Users having confusion about how to Unlock, if some done wrong can Kill the Phone, keeping in mind i have tried to make Procedure easier step by step.

1st. How to Flash: (Step I, II & III) can be seen in Image 1

Step I- Extract "RM-803_Qualcomm_DLOAD.z" to Product directory "Phoenix\Products\RM-803"

Step II- Choose "Nokia 710 RM-803 Qualcomm DLOAD" on market item.

Step III- Flash.


2nd. How to Unlock after Flashing, changing phone mode to "OSBL" , all Steps below can be seen in Image 2.

Install drivers for "Qualcomm CDMA Technologies MSM" with driver from directory "data\drivers\qcusb"

You will see "Phone detected in "Qualcomm DLOAD" mode, if not seen Click Interface Scan button.

Now you will see "Phone detected in "Qualcomm DLOAD" mode, please use eMMC Tool !" and eMMC Tool show up

Click "Disk Info"


NOTE: a Mass storage device( Qualcomm MMC Storage USB Device )
will be detected by Windows
and will ask if you want to format,

3rd. Now Final Step for Unlocking given below can be seen in Image 3

Click "Unlock"

Caution: Don't Click any other Button while doing Unlock Process, if have no Idea for what function they works.


Note: If ask for Network Code after Unlock, just put 00000000 (8 times 0 Digit)
Now Lumia Phone is Unlocked easily.
Don't you think it's easy to Unlock?

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