
Quick Reply for WhatsApp [iPhone Cydia Tweak]

Quick Reply for WhatsApp [iPhone Cydia Tweak]

Simply Amazing Tweak!
WhatsApp Messenger is an App Store app that has over 50 million users across multiple smartphone platforms. Quick Reply for WhatsApp is a tweak that allows you to quickly reply to incoming WhatsApp messages.

Simply install and when you receive a WhatsApp message you can reply from anywhere (lock screen, home screen etc) using the Quick Reply pop-up window.

It works seamlessly, it’s convenient and quick. Give it a try today!
There is no app icon, so please refer to the Quick Reply for WhatsApp section in Apple Settings.
It’s FREE for the first 7 days, so try it out and if you like it, support us and buy a copy!
Note: iOS 5 only.


Installation and Download

- Quick Reply for WhatsApp Free (Install with Cydia)

- Available for free in the following sources:

Insanelyi Source
HackYouriPhone Repo.
. . for sources Go Here

- Quick Reply for WhatsApp Free (Download .deb)

v 2.1 – 13 December 2012| Update

* Fixed issue (connected with MobileSubstrate initialization) for iOS 5 users, that caused other apps to shrink on the screen!

[NOTE] You need to be connected via WiFi or 3G while installing this for your license to be downloaded.
[FABIUS UTILS] This package depends on Fabius Utils 0.0.1-38 package. You MUST install Fabius Utils package BEFORE you install this app. Fabius Utils package depends on sed (DOWNLOAD)


Fabius Utils DEB

Quick Reply for WhatsApp DEB

How To Install .Deb File

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