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WP7 Root Tools - Unleash the power of Windows Phone
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WP7 Root Tools - Unleash the power of Windows Phone
NEW: WP7 Root Tools 1.2 is released! It includes an Accent Color editor and Internet Sharing unlock now.
WP7 Root Tools
With this tool you get root-access to your WP7 device. The current
version contains the Policy Unlock Installer, a registry-editor, a
file-explorer with many file-operations, certificate-stores, a
policy-editor, a tweaks-section and an Accent color editor. This is your
all-in-one system-tool for Windows Phone 7.
With WP7 Root Tools I attempt to open up the system in a gentle way, so
that users stay in control of their device, while homebrew apps can get
more control to get the maximum power out of your Windows Phone device!
NOKIA devices with custom ROM and Full Unlock
Your phone needs to have at least INTEROP-UNLOCK. If you get error
0x81030120 when you deploy WP7 Root Tools to your device, then please
WP7 Root Tools - Unleash the power of Windows Phone - Interop Unlock!
WP7 Root Tools will also work on devices with Full Unlock. If you want
to know more about the different types of unlocks or if you want to know
why WP7 Root Tools may or may not run on your WP7 device, you should
WP7 Root Tools - Unleash the power of Windows Phone - Unlocks explained
License Agreement
WP7 Root Tools and WP7 Root Tools SDK are Copyright by Heathcliff74 /
WP7 Root Tools - Unleash the power of Windows Phone in 2012 - 2013
This license governs use of the "WP7 Root Tools" software. If you use
the software, you accept this license. If you do not accept the license,
do not use the software.
You are free to redistribute the software, as long as the copyright,
conditions and disclaimer of this license are present whenever you
distribute any portion of the software.
The software is licensed "as-is". You bear the risk of using it. The
developer gives no express warranties, guarantees or conditions. To the
extent permitted under your local laws, the developer excludes the
implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose
and non-infringement.
Redistributions of the copyrighted software may not be sold, nor may
they be used in a commercial product or activity without first obtaining
explicit permission of the developer.
Don't be stupid, make a backup!!
This tool is still in alpha stage. That means not yet properly tested.
This tool also provides you with high privileges with which you can
alter low level settings and data on this device. All this may result in
unexpected and undesired behavior, which may ultimately damage your
device. Use this tool with care and use it at your own risk. The
developer of this tool cannot be hold responsible for any kind of
damages, caused directly or indirectly by using this tool.
You can find backup-programs here. For example
[TOOL] WP7 Easy Backup Tool (BETA) - xda-developers or
[APP] [UPDATED 9/27/2011]V1.9 Working App to Backup Windows Phone 7 via ZUNE ANY TIME - xda-developers
On devices with custom ROM and Full Unlock, the installation of WP7 Root
Tools will be pretty straight-forward. You install the XAP and it
works. On devices with stock ROM's WP7 Root Tools need to install Root
Access. The first time it runs, a 2-phase-installation will start. The
app will inform you to start the first install-phase. Then the device
will reboot after a few seconds. After the reboot you need to start WP7
Root Tools again immediately! Then the second phase of the installation
will start and your device will be rebooted again. After the second
reboot you are ready to use WP7 Root Tools.
Update to a new version
If you have an earlier version of WP7 Root Tools installed and you have
WP7 Root Tools Policy Unlock, I strongly advise to UPDATE the app,
instead of doing a full install-cycle. Many XAP installers will do a
full install-cycle. That can lead to problems, because during the
installation WP7 Root Tools will temporary loose its Root Access. In
that case WP7 Root Tools needs to do the 2-phase-installation again.
This is usually not a problem, but future OEM- or OS-updates could make
it possible that the reinstall will not be possible. So, to be on the
safe side, first make a backup of the device (use a backup tool from the
XDA forums) and then use a XAP installer that has the possibility to
update an app. One such utility is
[UPDATED-06-APR-2011] New XAP installer, in-place app update, no dev tool and more... - xda-developers
Registry Editor
The registry editor in WP7 Root Tools allows full Root Access to the
registry. Be very careful with your tweaks, because this may profoundly
influence the behavior of your device.
To delete a registrykey or -value you can tap-and-hold the item and choose delete in the context-menu.
The new version also has Advanced Search functionality.
File Explorer
The file-explorer supports all file- and folder-operations, like
copying, moving, renaming and deleting files and folders. To select
multiple files at once, you can tap an item on the left, which will pop
up selection-boxes.
When you select files and folders with the selection-boxes, the
file-operations can be chosen from the Applicationbar. It is also
possible to tap-and-hold an item and choose the file-operation from the
You can tap on an item to launch or open it. It might be necessary to
give the app that needs to open the file root-privileges first. The new
version of WP7 Root Tools allows you to give Root Access to System Apps
like Office Mobile. So if you've given Root Access to Word, you can tap
txt-files in any location to open them with Word. The new version will
also allow you to give Root Access to Homebrew Native executables. The
file-explorer shows whether an executable is "Installed" or "Not
installed". If you tap (or tap-and-hold) on an executable that is not
yet installed, you can choose to unlock the executable, give Root Access
and launch it.
The new version also has Advanced Search functionality.
Certificate Installer
You might wonder why I created a certificate installer, because it is
already possible to add certificates. When you email a certificate to
yourself and tap that attachment, WP7 will install it. But if you
install like this, the certificate will always be installed in the
"Root" certificate store. With my certificate installer you can also
install in "CA", "My" and "Code Integrity" stores. This may be very
useful for hacking attempts. You can install a certificate by browsing
to the ".cer" file and tap it. The possibilities for getting a
certificate file on your phone will follow below. If you start
installing certificates on your phone you should consider making backups
in advance. I once experienced Zune going totally bezerk after
installing certs. Zune took 100% and lost connection with the phone all
the time. Everything was back to normal when I deleted the certs. In
this version there is no view on the certificate stores available yet.
In a future version you will be able to view the contents of all the
certificate store and also uninstall certificates from there.
Certificate Store
You can browse the 4 certificate stores. Tap-and-hold will show a
context-menu. You can delete certificates or save them as a .cer file.
Be aware that if you delete a certificate you can do severe damage to
the system. So, be careful with that!
Policy Editor
The Policy Editor will show a list of all the installed apps. You can
use the Policy Editor to give other homebrew app a "trusted" status.
With this you will give the app Root Access privileges. So be very
careful to which app you give Root Access!! You are responsible for
giving access to an app! If you are not sure, read the forums to decide
if an app is trust-worthy. The new version will also show System Apps.
This is done because for devices that make use of Policy Unlock, it is
useful to give Root Access to System apps sometimes. For example to open
txt-files outside the My Documents folder.
It is also possible to launch apps from this list, by tapping on the
app. But some apps will fail to start from here, because their default
task is not configured correctly. This is not an issue in WP7 Root
Tools, but those apps were simply not designed to be launched like this.
They are listed anyway, because it could be useful to give Root Access
to these apps.
Policy Unlock v2 also allows xap-packages with special configs to
automatically give unlock Native Homebrew executables when the app is
given Root Access. Read more in the "For developers" and "Desktop Sync"
I've been working on unlocking Native Executables for a really long time
now. Ever since I started this thread on XDA. I know it has been
possible to run native executable using Full Unlock. But Full Unlock is
only possible on WP7 devices with unlocked bootloaders. With the
introduction of WP7 Root Tools Policy Unlock v2 also devices which have
only Interop Unlock can now run these programs! But that was not the
only goal. This unlock has become a prestige-project for me. Because I
wanted to fully understand and control the WP7 Policy Engine. I now
finally succeeded in doing this
So, is Policy Unlock v2 the same as Full Unlock?? No. But almost!
Unfortunately, Policy Unlock still doesn't allow you to run Homebrew
drivers, like the DFT Bluetooth stack. Later on I will try to apply the
Policy Unlock hacks on the drivers too.
WP7 Root Tools adds a few Search-providers for Internet Explorer. You
can choose it here. There are some more tweaks to customize your
devices. From WP7 Root Tools 1.2 on, there are tweaks for unlocking
Internet Sharing and for running Automatic Data Configuration. If your
operator has blocked Internet Sharing, WP7 Root Tools can attempt to
configure Internet Sharing and bypass the barrier that is installed on
the phone. This probably won't work on LG devices, because their drivers
don't support Internet Sharing. This unlock is only meant to unlock the
operator barrier. Running Automatic Data Configuration can be useful
when you switched 3G network and your phone has wrong settings for the
data connection or the settings have become otherwise defective. If you
have more ideas to add to this page, leave me a note.
Accent Color Editor
Add your own accent colors and select colors in real-time. Fully compatible with WP7.8.
The current version supports 18 languages: English, Dutch, Russian,
German, Portuguese, Chinese, Hungarian, Czech, Spanish, Slovak, Polish,
Italian, Greek, French. And these languages are available in separate
downloads: Turkish, Arabic, Albanian and Serbian. The translations are
done by volunteers and some elements by translation-engines. So the
translations may not be perfect. Following versions will improve and add
more translations.
For developers
I also created an SDK for developers, who can use to profit from Root
Access. It provides a way to gain access to the filesystem and the
registry (and more) from their managed Silverlight application. No need
to worry about COM interop and C++ anymore! The package contains a
read-me with short instructions. More details and examples will follow
soon here on this site!
The new WP7 Root Tools has Policy Unlock v2 to unlock Homebrew Native
Executables. You can do that using the WP7 Root Tools Explorer. But if a
developers want to use such binaries in an app, it would be very
user-unfriendly if the user needed to unlock these binaries manually.
For this purpose I added functionality in the WP7 Root Tools Policy
Editor. When an app is give Root Access, it will scan the app for a file
called RootAccess.xml. If present, the xml is parsed and the binaries
that are listed will automatically be given Root Access too. This is the
format for RootAccess.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Executable File="Native\NativeApp.exe" />
<Executable File="Native\NativeWinApp.exe" >
<Destination Path="\Windows\NativeWinApp.exe" />
<Library File="Native\NativeLib.dll" />
<Library File="Native\NativeWinLib.dll" >
<Destination Path="\Windows\NativeWinLib.dll" />
Take these notes into account:
The Destination paths are optional
Libraries are signed in Source and Destination
Executables are signed in Source and Destination
Executable gets policies in Source and Destination
File-path-attribute-value is relative to app path
Destination path is absolute
The first app that makes use of this feature is Ultrashot's WMDC
Launcher, which can be used for Desktop Sync, as described in the next
section. Ultrashot will soon make Opera Mini compatible with Policy
Unlock too.
Desktop Sync
Ultrashot has released
[XAP] [12.11.2012] WMDC Launcher [Full unlock/Root Tools unlock] - xda-developers
some time ago. Back then it was only possible to use that on devices
with Full Unlock. With the introduction of Policy Unlock v2, it is also
possible to run the app on devices that are compatible with WP7 Root
Tools. Ultrashot has added RootAccess.xml to the xap-package, so the app
will automatically be configured when it is given Root Access. Warning:
it may take a while to apply on all unlocks, so be patient and let WP7
Root Tools do its job.
After WMDC Launcher is installed, given Root Access and lauched, you can
use it to sync file-system and registry with your PC. On the PC you
need to have Zune installed and running, and you need to have
Description of Windows Mobile Device Center
installed and running. After that you Windows Phone will show up as Mobile Device in Windows Explorer.
For unrestricted remote Registry editing you can use
Registry Workshop | TorchSoftor similar. In the registry editor you have to connect to the Mobile Device.

Special thanks to these people:
HD2Owner: for a lot of patience, learning me how to make my own test-ROM's.
Ultrashot and Cotulla: for a lot of nice hacking-chat-sessions and exchange of ideas.
CeesHeim: for providing a test-device.
AndrewSh, Ondraster and many others: for moral support.
Thanks to these people for helping with the translations: AndrewSh,
HD2Owner, Paulo Santos, Reker Chen, Balcsida, Tukacs Gábor, Pavel
"Paulos" Valach, Esteban Reche, David E. Salazar Paris, Brano Grenuš,
Budniu, Fabio Di Peri, Chemeng, Alexandre Thouvenin, Orhan Bozkurt,
Hassan Selim.
Version history
0.1 - 2011/04/04 - Initial release: only registry-editor
0.2 - 2011/04/13 - Performance improvements and minor fixes
0.3 - 2011/04/14 - Bugfix in registry-editor
0.4 - 2011/06/14 - File browser added
0.5 - 2011/06/24 - File Explorer with basic file operations and certificate installer
0.6 - 2011/09/17 - Compatible with Interop-Unlocked Samsung Mango devices
0.7 - 2011/09/17 - Bugfix in registry-editor
0.8 - 2012/01/02 - Session and Multi-Tasking awareness + Mango UI improvements (better responsiveness)
0.9 - 2012/03/28 - Complete rewrite of the app (many device supported, full root access, policy-editor, etc)
0.10 - 2012/09/02 - Many user interface enhancements, Multi-file
operations added, Improved performance in file-explorer, Shell handling
added in file-explorer, better error handling and reporting and lots of
small bug-fixes.
0.11 - 2012/09/03 - Bug-fixes and better device support.
0.12 - 2012/11/12 - Policy Unlock v2, 16 languages, launch apps from
applist, applist also includes all system-apps now, advanced
file-system-search, advanced registry-search, certificate Stores,
tweaks-section, many bug-fixes and performance improvements.
0.13 - 2012/12/04 - Many bug-fixes and performance-improvements.
1.0 - 2013/01/05 - Bug-fixes and User Interface-improvements.
1.1 - 2013/03/26 - Added Accent Color editor and bug-fixes
1.2 - 2013/05/07 - Added color values to Accent Color editor, improved
data-connection speed tweak, added Internet Connection Sharing unlock,
added Automatic Data Configuration function, added shell-handler in
Explorer for provxml-files, removed wrong buttons on Device tab,
disabled cache for filesystem and searches, removed ads for better Root
Tools experience
.................................................. ........................................
WP7 Root Tools - Unleash the power of Windows Phone
Developer of
[XAP + SDK] WP7 Root Tools 0.9 - xda-developers
Pioneer of
[GUIDE] INTEROP-UNLOCK - NEW unlocks for ALL SAMSUNG WP7 devices!! - xda-developers
Pioneer in
[GUIDE FOR DEVELOPERS] How to create HOMEBREW apps with NATIVE code on MANGO - xda-developers
Also look at some of my other work:
[CAB] Official WP7 Updates List up to WP 7.8 + ALL LANGUAGES complete + OEM updates - xda-developers [GUIDE] Deploy files to your dev-unlocked WP7 device! - xda-developers