Motorola XT615 Official Rom (include arabic)
Use at your own risk! No liability for damages!/ droidevelopers
do not take any responsibilty if you brick or damage your phone using
files that can be found on this site. It's all on your own risk❞
Quick Start Guide:
1. RSD Lite installlieren and start
2. Unzip ROM archive
3. Motoluxe in Flash mode (press power, volume down, and camera button at the same time) start and connect to the PC
4. The unzipped ROM file in RSD Lite select and Flash
5. Wait until the operation is finished and restart Motoluxe
RSDLite 6.0 And MTK Patch20 RSD Lite 6.0

Filename: IRM-1670-0-4017-A01_BFM_service.sbf
Creation Date: 04/27/2012 13:36:04
File size: 382013302
RAM DL Version: v0x000000
Android version: 2.3.7
Platform: UMTS MSM7227
HAB Type: Signed Production
Arabic language
Branding: Retail Germany
Version: 1540-0-4073
Android version: 2.3.7
Bootloader version: N/A
Branding: T-Mobile Germany
Version: 1540-0-4069
Android version: 2.3.7
Bootloader version: N/A
Branding: Orange España
Version: 152A-0-4036
Android version: 2.3.7
Bootloader version: N/A
Branding: Orange France
Version: 152A-0-4034
Android version: 2.3.7
Bootloader version: N/A
Branding: Personal Argentina
Version: 1590-0-2008
Android version: 2.3.7
Bootloader version: N/A
The bottom package name: XT615_IRM-154B-0-7009-A02_BFM
Android version: 2.3.7 ( For CEE )
Version number :1-154B-7009
This package features:
BNM bottom package should be a small upgrade of the 1540 version of the release date for 4.19
This version can be used A02 landscaping package
3. Compared with the previous version (1-1540-7009) fluency improved significantly especially unlock the native desktop with native
thanks to backq1
Branding:Hong Kong
version number is 1_540_5013 English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese. Google framework.
At work, so only brush machine, no shots. -
Just comes with the Chinese, with Argentina almost eliminating the need for their finished work.
Than the State Bank, no the few mess - I do not like a few plugs in the bottom bag Landlords and several other applications useless to me, as a relatively clean.
Branding: CEE Retail
Version: IRM-167A-0-4053-A03_BFM
Branding: CEE Retail
Version: IRM-1540-0-7009-A02_BFM
Android version: 2.3.7
Version Number: 1_540_7009
Date: February 24, 2012
download :IRM-1540-0-7009-A02_BFM password:70111620 This package features:
1. Repair on the version (1_37I_7009) call
Life improved
Than the previous version 115mb switch machine speed optimization, reduced junk software
4. Joined the Task Manager
5. Overall fluency improve stability
The same as the final version number of this end of the package version number with the May 2012 OTA upgrade 6.
Branding: GERMAN
Android version: 2.3.7
download: IRM-167C-0-4036-A01_BFM
Quick Start Guide:
1. RSD Lite installlieren and start
2. Unzip ROM archive
3. Motoluxe in Flash mode (press power, volume down, and camera button at the same time) start and connect to the PC
4. The unzipped ROM file in RSD Lite select and Flash
5. Wait until the operation is finished and restart Motoluxe
RSDLite 6.0 And MTK Patch20 RSD Lite 6.0

Filename: IRM-1670-0-4017-A01_BFM_service.sbf
Creation Date: 04/27/2012 13:36:04
File size: 382013302
RAM DL Version: v0x000000
Android version: 2.3.7
Platform: UMTS MSM7227
HAB Type: Signed Production
Arabic language
Branding: Retail Germany
Version: 1540-0-4073
Android version: 2.3.7
Bootloader version: N/A
Branding: T-Mobile Germany
Version: 1540-0-4069
Android version: 2.3.7
Bootloader version: N/A
Branding: Orange España
Version: 152A-0-4036
Android version: 2.3.7
Bootloader version: N/A
Branding: Orange France
Version: 152A-0-4034
Android version: 2.3.7
Bootloader version: N/A
Branding: Personal Argentina
Version: 1590-0-2008
Android version: 2.3.7
Bootloader version: N/A
The bottom package name: XT615_IRM-154B-0-7009-A02_BFM
Android version: 2.3.7 ( For CEE )
Version number :1-154B-7009
This package features:
BNM bottom package should be a small upgrade of the 1540 version of the release date for 4.19
This version can be used A02 landscaping package
3. Compared with the previous version (1-1540-7009) fluency improved significantly especially unlock the native desktop with native
thanks to backq1
Branding:Hong Kong
version number is 1_540_5013 English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese. Google framework.
At work, so only brush machine, no shots. -
Just comes with the Chinese, with Argentina almost eliminating the need for their finished work.
Than the State Bank, no the few mess - I do not like a few plugs in the bottom bag Landlords and several other applications useless to me, as a relatively clean.
Branding: CEE Retail
Version: IRM-167A-0-4053-A03_BFM
Branding: CEE Retail
Version: IRM-1540-0-7009-A02_BFM
Android version: 2.3.7
Version Number: 1_540_7009
Date: February 24, 2012
download :IRM-1540-0-7009-A02_BFM password:70111620 This package features:
1. Repair on the version (1_37I_7009) call
Life improved
Than the previous version 115mb switch machine speed optimization, reduced junk software
4. Joined the Task Manager
5. Overall fluency improve stability
The same as the final version number of this end of the package version number with the May 2012 OTA upgrade 6.
Branding: GERMAN
Android version: 2.3.7
download: IRM-167C-0-4036-A01_BFM
RSDLite 6.0 And MTK Patch20 RSD Lite 6.0
New Version For Motorola RSD Muliti Flasher And MotorolaV5.9Mobile V5.9 driver software!Enjoy It
RSDLite 6.0
MTK Patch20 (RSD Lite 6.0)
MotorolaV5.9Mobile V5.9 driver software

RSDLite 6.0
MTK Patch20 (RSD Lite 6.0)
MotorolaV5.9Mobile V5.9 driver software
Samsung I9000T Firmwares Flash File
Samsung I9000T Firmwares:
Android 2.2:
- I9000TUBJP9 / UUBJP9 PCW Panama
Android 2.3.3:
- I9000TDOJV4 / TNZJV3 New Zealand
- I9000TUBJV8 / UWAJV4 PCT Puerto Rico
- I9000TUBJV8 / VMTJV3 Venezuela
- I9000TUBJVH / VMTJVG Venezuela
Android 2.3.6:
- I9000TDVJW1 / TELJW1 Australia Telstra
Samsung I9000M Firmwares Flash File
Samsung I9000M Firmwares:
Android 2.2:
- I9000MUGKC1 / BMC Canada Bell
Android 2.3.3:
- I9000UGKG3 / BMCKG3 BWA Canada SaskTel
- I9000UGKG3 / BMCKG3 Canada Bell
Samsung I9000B Firmwares Flash File
Samsung I9000B Firmwares:
Android 2.2:
- I9000BVJJPI / PETJP4 Peru
Android 2.3.3:
- I9000BVJJV3 / AROJV3 Argentina
- I9000BVJJV3 / CHTJV2 Chile Telefonica
- I9000BVJJV3 / SAMJV2 Peru
- I9000BVJJW4 / ZTAJW2 Brazil Claro
- I9000BVJJW4 / ZTMJW2 Brazil TIM
- I9000BVJJW4 / ZTOJW4 Brazil
- I9000BVJJW4 / ZVVJW2 Brazil VIVO
Samsung I9000 Firmwares Flash File
Samsung I9000 Firmwares:
Android 2.2:
- I9000XWJS5 / XEN Netherlands
Android 2.2.1:
- I9000JPJPM Arabic
- I9000JVJPJ Turkey
Android 2.3.2:
Android 2.3.3:
- I9000BUJVB France SFR
- I9000BVJVD / FTMJV8 France Orange
- I9000DDJV9 / ODDJV9 INU India
- I9000JPJV6 Arabic
- I9000JVJV9 Turkey
- I9000XFJV3 / MOTJV1 Slovenia Mobitel
- I9000XWJVH / NEE Nordic
- I9000XWJVH / ODKJV3 Sweden
- I9000XWJVH / XEEJV3 Sweden
- I9000XWJVH / PROJV3 Belgium / Luxemburg
- I9000XWJVH / TENJV3 Norway Telenor
- I9000XWJVK / SER Russia
- I9000ZSJV5 / OZSJV5 Hong Kong
- I9000ZSJV6 Hong Kong
- I9000ZWJV4 / TWMJV4 Taiwan Chunghwa
Android 2.3.4:
- I9000XFJV7 / OXFJV1 MTL Bulgaria
- I9000XFJV7 / OXFJV1 Romania Vodafone
- I9000XXJVR / SWC Switzerland Swisscom
Android 2.3.5:
- I9000BVJVC / FTMJV7 France Orange
- I9000NEJVK / HUIJV8 Italy H3G
- I9000XWJVK / EPLJV4 Germany E-Plus
- I9000XWJVU / TMNJV4 Portugal
Android 2.3.6:
- I9000BGJW5 / XECJW3 Spain Moviestar
- I9000BOJW6 / GTNLJW5 Netherlands T-Mobile
- I9000BOJW6 / GTMZJW2 Czech
- I9000BOJW6 / GDTMJW3 Germany T-Mobile
- I9000BUJVG / SIMJV5 Slovenia Si.mobil
- I9000BUJVG / GVODJV5 UK Vodafone
- I9000BUJVG / GVDFJV6 VDF Netherlands Vodafone
- I9000NEJW3 / H3GJW3 UK H3G
- I9000NEJW3 / DREJW1 Austria 3 Hutchison
- I9000NEJW3 / HUIJW3 Italy H3G
- I9000XWJVW / OXXJV9 AUT Switzerland
- I9000XWJVW / SERJV5 Russia
- I9000XWJVW / OXXJV9 MOZ Switzerland
- I9000XWJVX / ERAJV3 Poland T-Mobile
- I9000XWJVX / PLSJV3 Poland PLUS
- I9000XWJVZ / OXXJV9 XEO Poland
- I9000XWJW1 / SERJV5 LITE Russia
- I9000XWJW3 / TMNJV4 Portugal
- I9000XWJW5 / KPNJV6 Netherlands
- I9000XWJW5 / LUXJV3 Luxembourg
- I9000XWJW5 / O2CJV3 Czech O2
- I9000XWJW5 / OXXJVC AUT Switzerland
- I9000XWJW5 / OXXJVC IRD Slovakia Orange
- I9000XWJW5 / OXXJVC ORS Slovakia
- I9000XWJW5 / OXXJVC Portugal TPH
- I9000XWJW5 / OXXJVC XEH Hungary
- I9000XWJW5 / OXXJVC XEZ Czech
- I9000XWJW5 / PROJV4 Belgium / Luxemburg
- I9000XWJW5 / VDCJV2 Czech Vodafone
- I9000XWJW5 / XENJV6 Netherlands
- I9000XWJW5 / FOPJW1 Spain
- I9000XWJW5 / O2CJV3 Czech O2
- I9000XWJW5 / OXXJVC SUN Switzerland
- I9000XWJW5 / OXXJVC TRG Austria Telering
- I9000XWJW5 / OXXJVC TPH Portugal
- I9000XWJW5 / XENJV6 Netherlands
- I9000XWJW6 / XSAJV8 Australia
- I9000XWJW6 / OPSJV6 Australia Optus
- I9000XWJW6 / VIAJW1 Germany O2
- I9000XWJW6 / DBTJW2 Germany
- I9000XWJW7 / HUTJV6 Australia Three Vodafone
- I9000XWJW7 / ITVJW2 Italy
- I9000XWJW7 / EIRJW1 Ireland eMobile
- I9000XWJW7 / METJW2 Ireland Meteor
- I9000XWJW8 / VAUJV9 Australia Vodafone
- I9000XWJW9 / EPLJV8 Germany E-Plus
- I9000XWJW9 / YOGJW4 Spain Yoigo
- I9000XWJW9 / TMNJV4 Portugal
- I9000XWJWB / NEEJW2 Nordic
- I9000XWJWB / XEEJW2 Sweden
- I9000XXJW4 / OXAJW4 XEU UK / Ireland
- I9000XXJW4 / OXAJW5 CPW UK Carphone Warehouse
- I9000XXJW6 / SWCJW6 Switzerland Swisscom
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Milagrow TabTop 7.4" 16Gb Pattern Lock Remove Done
Milagrow TabTop 7.4" 16Gb Pattern Lock Remove Done
Please download the software of Android 4.0.4 to upgrade your MGPT04 / TabTop 7.4 4GB and 16GB.
You can check the md5sum of the ''TabTop-4.0.4-update-image'' that you have downloaded and compare it with the below given md5sum. If both match, then the image that you have downloaded is good to continue the process.

TabTop 7.4 Upgrade to Android Ice Cream Sandwich v4.0.4
You can check the md5sum of the ''TabTop-4.0.4-update-image'' that you have downloaded and compare it with the below given md5sum. If both match, then the image that you have downloaded is good to continue the process.
MD5SUM - 398f8d843fdf6578a664e2e8edfb0252
(Tutorial) SPD Android Mobile Root & Read Full Flash Backup in PAC format
Now I telling You How To Root & Read SPD Android Full Flash Backup In PAC Format
How To Root Lemon P5
How To Root Lemon P5
1.Mobile On Condition.
2.USB Debug Mode Enabled.
3.Minimum 2Gb Memory Card Inserted into Phone With 32 BIT Formatte.
4.Now Connect To Pc Port.
5.Open Volcano Box Software.
6.Go to SPD Tab.
7.Select 6820/8810.
8.Select One-Key Root.
9.Select ADB_ROOT from Option.
10. Untick Auto-Detect Pinouts.
11.Click on Run.
12.Mobile will Detect Phone on ADB.
13.Some Times After Mobile Restart & Root Done.
Root Image Below
How To Read Full Flash SPD Android Mobile Lemon P5
1.Mobile On Condition.
2.USB Debug Mode Enabled.
3.Minimum 2Gb Memory Card Inserted into Phone With 32 BIT Formatte.
4.Now Connect To Pc Port.
5.Open Volcano Box Software.
6.Go to SPD Tab.
7.Select 6820/8810.
8.Select One-Key Root.
9.Select Backup Flash from Option.
10. Untick Auto-Detect Pinouts.
11.Click on Run.
12.Mobile will Detect Phone on ADB.
13. Some Times After Volcano Box Software Ask Where Save File.
14.Make Flash File Path.
15.Some Times After Mobile Read Done.
Lemon P5 SPD Android Mobile Read Done In Volcano Box Type
Read Flash Image 1
Read Flash Image 2
Read Flash Image 3
Read Flash Image 4
Tip=Now Read Flash Done IN Volcano Box Flash File Type Not In PAC File typeHere I Telling You How To Making PAC File
First Download ResearchDownload_VER_2.9.7017
ResearchDownload_VER_2.9.7017 BY YASH MOBILE - Download - 4shared - gopal parmar
2.Open ResearchDownload_VER_2.9.7017
3.Open To Settings.
4.Go To Main Page.
5.Select All Files.
6.Select Product I Select SC6820 Because Lemon P5 In SPD Cpu.
2.USB Debug Mode Enabled.
3.Minimum 2Gb Memory Card Inserted into Phone With 32 BIT Formatte.
4.Now Connect To Pc Port.
5.Open Volcano Box Software.
6.Go to SPD Tab.
7.Select 6820/8810.
8.Select One-Key Root.
9.Select ADB_ROOT from Option.
10. Untick Auto-Detect Pinouts.
11.Click on Run.
12.Mobile will Detect Phone on ADB.
13.Some Times After Mobile Restart & Root Done.
Root Image Below

1.Mobile On Condition.
2.USB Debug Mode Enabled.
3.Minimum 2Gb Memory Card Inserted into Phone With 32 BIT Formatte.
4.Now Connect To Pc Port.
5.Open Volcano Box Software.
6.Go to SPD Tab.
7.Select 6820/8810.
8.Select One-Key Root.
9.Select Backup Flash from Option.
10. Untick Auto-Detect Pinouts.
11.Click on Run.
12.Mobile will Detect Phone on ADB.
13. Some Times After Volcano Box Software Ask Where Save File.
14.Make Flash File Path.
15.Some Times After Mobile Read Done.
Lemon P5 SPD Android Mobile Read Done In Volcano Box Type
Read Flash Image 1

First Download ResearchDownload_VER_2.9.7017
ResearchDownload_VER_2.9.7017 BY YASH MOBILE - Download - 4shared - gopal parmar
2.Open ResearchDownload_VER_2.9.7017
3.Open To Settings.
4.Go To Main Page.
5.Select All Files.
6.Select Product I Select SC6820 Because Lemon P5 In SPD Cpu.
Here All Flash File Read Flash By Volcano Box

7.Put Various File In This Format.

8.Click On Packet

9.Save Flash File Path In PAC Format.

10.Now Complete PAC File

11.Now Ready Lemon P5 Flash File In PAC Format

How To Install a custom Rom Karbonn A15 Procedure Here Step By Step 100% Done
Here i am posting How To Install a custom Rom in Karbonn A15
Step By Step And guys its Alrdy Tested By Me
and say Thanks For Orignal Poster
How To Install a custom Rom
how to root this device
How To Install Cwm Recovry
Let"s Start
ROOT the Karbonn A15
1. Enable USB Debugging - Under SETTINGS - DEVELOPER OPTIONS
2. Download Driver and Install it
you can download it from here
3. download "Android Root Unlock" from Android Root Unlock | Free software downloads at and extract it
and run the batch file ICS_Root_Unlocker.bat
the batch file will reboot your phone a couple of times and will wait with a message "Press Any Key to continue"
IMP NOTE : if you pc is saying "PRESS ANY KEY" note if your phone is on or rebooting....
if it is Rebooting, wait for it to start before pressing a key
5. After a couple of boots the phone will be rooted
6. verify that the Root is complete by observing a "Superuser" shortcut in the application list And its done
Install Cwm Recovery
1. Download the zip from here CWM5.0.2.8recovery - Download - 4shared
2. Extract the zip in a folder.
3. put ur phone in fastboot mode Use the key Vol Up + Pwr
4. Run CWM Recovery.bat and follow the simple steps
For Enter In cwm recovry Modepress and hold vol up and pwr key
it will show fastboot recovery in green display be patient dont leave the keys until it shows recovery Mode ( Cwm Recovry mode )
install Custom Rom
Now You Can Install Custom Rom In Ur Karbonn A15
Installation Instructions:
1 .Download Rom From here
2. Put ur phone in recovry mode
3. select install zip from sd card and select
4. Wipe Data/Factory Reset
5. Reboot
Done enjoy
If you face any problm pls post here
and dont forget use thanks button if you like my post
Step By Step And guys its Alrdy Tested By Me
and say Thanks For Orignal Poster
How To Install a custom Rom
how to root this device
How To Install Cwm Recovry
Let"s Start
ROOT the Karbonn A15
1. Enable USB Debugging - Under SETTINGS - DEVELOPER OPTIONS
2. Download Driver and Install it
you can download it from here
3. download "Android Root Unlock" from Android Root Unlock | Free software downloads at and extract it
and run the batch file ICS_Root_Unlocker.bat
the batch file will reboot your phone a couple of times and will wait with a message "Press Any Key to continue"
IMP NOTE : if you pc is saying "PRESS ANY KEY" note if your phone is on or rebooting....
if it is Rebooting, wait for it to start before pressing a key
5. After a couple of boots the phone will be rooted
6. verify that the Root is complete by observing a "Superuser" shortcut in the application list And its done
Install Cwm Recovery
1. Download the zip from here CWM5.0.2.8recovery - Download - 4shared
2. Extract the zip in a folder.
3. put ur phone in fastboot mode Use the key Vol Up + Pwr
4. Run CWM Recovery.bat and follow the simple steps
For Enter In cwm recovry Modepress and hold vol up and pwr key
it will show fastboot recovery in green display be patient dont leave the keys until it shows recovery Mode ( Cwm Recovry mode )
install Custom Rom
Now You Can Install Custom Rom In Ur Karbonn A15
Installation Instructions:
1 .Download Rom From here
2. Put ur phone in recovry mode
3. select install zip from sd card and select
4. Wipe Data/Factory Reset
5. Reboot
Done enjoy

If you face any problm pls post here
and dont forget use thanks button if you like my post
Micromax A27 Root , Gmail Rest , Backup Flash Done By Volcano Android tool
..::::Micromax A27 Root , Gmail Rest , Backup Flash Done By Volcano Android tool
Screenshot Are

.....:::::Thanks All & Thanks to Volcano Team:::::......
World First Micromax A65 Software blinking error Solved Rooting and Wiping Data Done
World First Micromax A65 Software blinking error Solved Rooting and Wiping Data by Volcano Bo
Mobile Picture


Wiping Data

Mobile Picture


Wiping Data

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Samsung e2202 original sc6530 blink solve by write flash Of Miracle Box



LG C195 MT6236 Read Flash - done. Dont write flash any chihese tool
LG C195 MT6236 Read Flash - done:
Write flash error:
Unclick "auto EMI"
*ALL Other chinese tool - also dont write firmware.
Reali worced solution for AvatorBox users 

Masterfull - will be attached later
ROM] Karbonn A9+/Flare ICS to JB {Tutorial} (Links Posted) Free Download
I found the tutorial on Facebook. Took a risk for testing . Modified a
bit to suite our needs. Credit goes to original developer.
If procedure not followed properly, it may brick your phone. Go ahead with your own risk.
Win XP or Win 7 (all tools set to Win Xp Sp3 Compatibility & Run as Admin), Battery atleast 60%
Required Files:
Karbonn Drivers: download
Roadkill: Download
EMMC Downloader: Download
QUALFAST: Download
IMEI Writer: Download
JB Root: Download
AP Firmware: Download Part 1 Download Part 2
Procedure See This How TO Work It
If procedure not followed properly, it may brick your phone. Go ahead with your own risk.
Win XP or Win 7 (all tools set to Win Xp Sp3 Compatibility & Run as Admin), Battery atleast 60%
Required Files:
Karbonn Drivers: download
Roadkill: Download
EMMC Downloader: Download
QUALFAST: Download
IMEI Writer: Download
JB Root: Download
AP Firmware: Download Part 1 Download Part 2
Procedure See This How TO Work It
ROM] Karbonn A9+/Flare ICS to JB {Tutorial} (Links Posted) Free Download
1.Backup your ICS using Roadkill
Turn off your karbonn A9+ or Flare, then press Volume down and power button at the same time. once you see the “ENTRY QPST DOWNLOAD”, open roadkill and click on Store Image Tab, select the disk with 3.61GB, click browse and select the location where you want your backup to be saved, and click start. Once finish proceed to next step.

[COLOR="rgb(160, 82, 45)"]2. Saving IMEI, MAC ID and Serial Number[/COLOR]
Write your IMEI1, IMEI2, Wi-Fi Mac, and Serial Number (S/N) in a piece of tissue paper. For MAC ID, turn on your Wi-Fi, and go to Settings > About Phone > Status. For IMEI just dial *#0000# in dial pad.
3. Backup NVRAM
1: Run EMMC_DownLoad_V1.2.3.exe ,(Check Download Boot Loader for 1st run)
2: Turn device ON (make sure USB Debugging is enable)
3:Connect phone thru microUSB cable (Note: Make sure there are no other USB Modem or phone connected to your computer except for Karbonn a9+ or Flare)
4: Click BackUp_NV.
5: Wait until back up is successful

[COLOR="rgb(160, 82, 45)"]4. Download BP Firmware [/COLOR]
1: Go to ENTRY QPST DOWNLOAD” Mode (Power + Vol Down)
2: Run EMMC_DownLoad_V1.2.3.exe. Click SELPATH select “BP Firmware” Folder.
3: Connect phone thru a microUSB cable.
4: Check Device Manager for "Qualcomm HS-Usb Diagnostics 9006" Com Port #.
5:Look for "Qualcomm HS-Usb Diagnostics 9006" type the Com port # in EMMC Download Box. Click Download.
6:Wait until download is successful (Usually it takes 6-12sec). Remove battery. (Do not Close EMMC Download. then proceed to next Step )

[COLOR="rgb(160, 82, 45)"]5. Download AP Firmware [/COLOR]
1: Run QUALFAST2.0.5.exe. Click SELPATH, select AP firmware (“Stock JB Rom” Folder), Check Format Card & Userdata
2: Go to Fastboot Mode or Green Screen Mode (Power + Vol Up)
3: Click OK to start download then connect phone via a microUSB cable.
4: Wait until download is successful. Remove battery.

6. Restore NVRAM Backup[/COLOR]
1: Run EMMC_DownLoad_V1.2.3.exe.
2: Turn device ON. (make sure USB Debugging is enable)
3: Click Restore_NV. Browse and select bak.qcn file. Connect phone thru microUSB cable.
4: Wait until qcn restore is successful. (your IMEI 2 is Null & Wifi Mac Address is set to default. you need to write it again)

[COLOR="rgb(160, 82, 45)"]7. IMEI & Wi-Fi MAC Address Writing[/COLOR]
1: Turn device ON (make sure USB Debugging is enable)
2: Locate your modem com port number (Go to Device Manager > Right-click “Tianyu HS-USB Android Modem 9025” > Properties > Advanced Tab > Advanced Port Settings > COM Port # (Ex. 10))
3: Open Qualcomm_Modem_Tools_V1.1.2.exe and type com port #
4: Write all your backup code, then click Write button. (In my case I have re-entered my IMEI1, IMEI2, S/N (Serial Number), Wi-Fi MAC)
Note: Every after successful entry of IMEI, the phone automatically restarts.

8. Rooting
1: Restart Device. Wait until it boot perfectly.
2: Copy to internal memory.
3: Reboot to recovery and update from internal sdcard.
4: Reboot
5: Enjoy.
1.Backup your ICS using Roadkill
Turn off your karbonn A9+ or Flare, then press Volume down and power button at the same time. once you see the “ENTRY QPST DOWNLOAD”, open roadkill and click on Store Image Tab, select the disk with 3.61GB, click browse and select the location where you want your backup to be saved, and click start. Once finish proceed to next step.

[COLOR="rgb(160, 82, 45)"]2. Saving IMEI, MAC ID and Serial Number[/COLOR]
Write your IMEI1, IMEI2, Wi-Fi Mac, and Serial Number (S/N) in a piece of tissue paper. For MAC ID, turn on your Wi-Fi, and go to Settings > About Phone > Status. For IMEI just dial *#0000# in dial pad.
3. Backup NVRAM
1: Run EMMC_DownLoad_V1.2.3.exe ,(Check Download Boot Loader for 1st run)
2: Turn device ON (make sure USB Debugging is enable)
3:Connect phone thru microUSB cable (Note: Make sure there are no other USB Modem or phone connected to your computer except for Karbonn a9+ or Flare)
4: Click BackUp_NV.
5: Wait until back up is successful

[COLOR="rgb(160, 82, 45)"]4. Download BP Firmware [/COLOR]
1: Go to ENTRY QPST DOWNLOAD” Mode (Power + Vol Down)
2: Run EMMC_DownLoad_V1.2.3.exe. Click SELPATH select “BP Firmware” Folder.
3: Connect phone thru a microUSB cable.
4: Check Device Manager for "Qualcomm HS-Usb Diagnostics 9006" Com Port #.
5:Look for "Qualcomm HS-Usb Diagnostics 9006" type the Com port # in EMMC Download Box. Click Download.
6:Wait until download is successful (Usually it takes 6-12sec). Remove battery. (Do not Close EMMC Download. then proceed to next Step )

[COLOR="rgb(160, 82, 45)"]5. Download AP Firmware [/COLOR]
1: Run QUALFAST2.0.5.exe. Click SELPATH, select AP firmware (“Stock JB Rom” Folder), Check Format Card & Userdata
2: Go to Fastboot Mode or Green Screen Mode (Power + Vol Up)
3: Click OK to start download then connect phone via a microUSB cable.
4: Wait until download is successful. Remove battery.

6. Restore NVRAM Backup[/COLOR]
1: Run EMMC_DownLoad_V1.2.3.exe.
2: Turn device ON. (make sure USB Debugging is enable)
3: Click Restore_NV. Browse and select bak.qcn file. Connect phone thru microUSB cable.
4: Wait until qcn restore is successful. (your IMEI 2 is Null & Wifi Mac Address is set to default. you need to write it again)

[COLOR="rgb(160, 82, 45)"]7. IMEI & Wi-Fi MAC Address Writing[/COLOR]
1: Turn device ON (make sure USB Debugging is enable)
2: Locate your modem com port number (Go to Device Manager > Right-click “Tianyu HS-USB Android Modem 9025” > Properties > Advanced Tab > Advanced Port Settings > COM Port # (Ex. 10))
3: Open Qualcomm_Modem_Tools_V1.1.2.exe and type com port #
4: Write all your backup code, then click Write button. (In my case I have re-entered my IMEI1, IMEI2, S/N (Serial Number), Wi-Fi MAC)
Note: Every after successful entry of IMEI, the phone automatically restarts.

8. Rooting
1: Restart Device. Wait until it boot perfectly.
2: Copy to internal memory.
3: Reboot to recovery and update from internal sdcard.
4: Reboot
5: Enjoy.
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