Huawei MediaPad

Thanks and credits
to all these great opensource communities, and of course KANG team and mediapad developers.

Thanks and credits
to all these great opensource communities, and of course KANG team and mediapad developers.
- Unsecure boot.img (stock AOSP kernel)
- Superuser & Busybox preinstalled
- Deodexed
- 180 Degree rotation
- Built in performance/init.d configuration (Thanks Kejar & company)
- Custom Power Menu
- Brightness slider in navigation bar.
- Custom color for anything in RC
- Custom Clock Color/Location: Right, Center, Disable
- Battery Icon/ Color Picker: CircleMod, Bar, Text Only, Icon Only, Icon+Text or None
- Battery Bar in Status Bar or Nav Bar, Bar Thickness, Charging animation
- Nav Bar Transparency
- Nav Bar Button Reorder: Back-Home-Search-Menu
- Nav Bar Color Picker
- Nav Bar Button Glow Duration: Off, Fast, Slow
- Nav Bar: Long press to Search button
- Nav Bar Hide on Lockscreen
- Toggles in Pull Down Menu: Auto rotate, Bluetooth, GPS, Wi-Fi, Aiplane mode, Vibrate,
- Silent, Sync, Data, 4G, Tethering, Torch, Brightness
- 'Traditional' toggle layout (where the toggle are on the very top) -- find in RC > Statusbar
- General > Layout
- LCD Density (Careful with this)
- Menu Button location: Right, Left, both, Remove
- Menu Button Visability: Always show, Always show Invisible Icons
- Lockscreen Style: Stock, Quad, Octo, ol' gingerbread
- Lockscreen Wallpaper
- Lockscreen color changer
- Lockscreen calendar
- Lockscreen SMS customizable shortcut (with icons)
- Lockscreen Horizontal Option
- Performance Menu: (Use With Caution) Max/ Min CPU, Scaling Governor
- Unlock Sceen with Legacy Menu Icon
- Volume Key to Wake Screen
- Volume Key to Skip Tracks
- Long-press back button to kill process
- Disable CRT off animation
- LED pulse settings (time on/off)
- ICS ringtones/notification sounds
- Customize carrier text to whatever.
- Power Menu options: Boot to recovery/ Boot loader, Reboot, Screenshot
- Facebook contact sync integration (must wipe to get this)
- Disable Boot animation
- Keyboard: Volume keys act as a cursor while typing -- disable in keyboard options
- Long press home for recent apps (thanks brucekey)
- Quick torch (enable in ROMControl, long press power when phone turned off. See the magic.)
- Fast charge toggle for maguro/toro for kernels that support it
- Weatherpanel in notification drawer
- Weather on lockscreen
- Radio
- Data connection
- Touchscreen
- Full hardware acceleration
- Sound
- Microphone
- Sensors
- Camera
- Wi-fi
- Usb-host
- Usb connection to PC (mtp, ptp)
- Bluetooth
- Some glitches in preview of running apps;
- Broken photo/camcorder preview;
- Random mac address after reboot;
- Wrong country detection in Google Play over wifi with turned off radio.
- Rom Description:
- This rom is my daily driver, I like my tablet, clean without anybloatware or unneccessary app or widgets from T-Mobile or Huawei
- Based on firmware C232B005 - Android Gingerbread 4.0.3
- Rooted - latest version
- Removed all unnecessary applicationsLatest version 2.06.26Make a backup before installing, I am not responsible if YOU don't know what you are doing!
- you Know How to update it Ok Now go & see Procedure i hope perfectly working to this