I am not responsible for anything that may happen to your phone as a result of installing custom roms and/or kernels. you do so at your own risk and take the responsibility upon yourself.
JellyBeans is Geared Towards Users that want the look of AOSP but want the stability and feautures of touchwiz (Theme Coming Soon!)
Base Rom Feature's:
- Based off of My Deodexed OTA VRUBMJ7 4.3
- Bash, BusyBox, Sqlite3, Init.d Supportt
- JellyBeans Hacked Launcher for Speed
- JellyBeans custom build.prop tweaks
- JellyBeans Custom Bootnaimation
- Custom init.d support for SS
- Custom Ad Blocking Host File
- Custom JellyBeans Bookmarks
- Custom Extended Reboot Menu
- Custom 1% Battery Mod
- Added custom notif and ringtone
- Added aosp news/weather widget
- Added Gpe Sunbeam live wallpaper
- Added Cyanogenmods Torch and cLock
- Added Fully Resizeable Note2 Popup Browser
- Added Emoji keyboard
- Enabled negative color widget
- Enabled Mobile Hotspot
- Enabled burst shot
- Enabled sms/call blocking
- Enabled camera shutter sound menu
- Enabled All Rotations 360*
- Enabled Call Recording
- Enabled Infinite scroll on launcher
- Enabled Dev Settings By Default
- Enabled Ink Effect with Finger
- Disabled Increasing Ringer
- Disabled Signature checks
- Disabled Safe Volume Warning
- Disabled Scrolling Cache
- Disabled Music Pause in camera
- Increased Swirliness of Ripple lockscreen
- Exchange Security Disabled on Email
- System Status = Official
- SysRW/SysRO support
- Zipaligned on boot
- Miui/Cm/Aosp Ringtones/Notifications
- Unimited contact links
Stock Browser Mods:
- enabled clearing of history
- enabled bookmark deletion
- enabled delete all on download list
- enabled unlimited tabs
- enabled custom homepage option
- added exit button to app
Messaging Mods:
- enabled mms/sms delivery reports option
- enabled mms read reports option
- enabled group messaging
- enabled Nortification Vibrate Option
- enabled screen on/off option
- enabled save/restore messages
- enabled split view option
- enabled emergency report options
- enabled bigger mms pictures
- enabled sms widget
- disabled converting effect between sms/mms
- 999 Max sms message limit
- 999 Max mms message limit
- 999 Max Recipient Limit
- unlimited messaging rate limit
Removed Bloat:
- Removed How-to Videos
- Removed Easy Mode
- Removed Misc Google Bloat
- Removed Misc Verizon Bloat (Kept My Verizon & Visual VoiceMail)
- Removed Verizon OTA update Capability
- Removed All Amazon Bloat
- Removed All Knox Apps
- Removed Swype Keyboard
- Maybe More
JellyBeans Custom Settings:
- Rom Control
**Misc Mods**
-Sms Recieved Time stamp Toggle
-Toggleable Screen On/off animations Crt or Fade
**LockScreen Mods**
-Aosp Lockscreen Toggle
-Aosp Lockscreen Vibrate Toggle
-Lockscreen Torch Toggle
-Lockscreen Torch Timeout
-Lockscreen Sounds Toggle
-Stock Lockscreen Settings
**Statusbar Mods**
-Ime Icon Toggle
-Alarm Icon Toggle
-Bluetooth Icon Toggle
-Sound Icon Toggle
-StatusBar Color Picker
- Custom App Settings
-Spen Keyboard switcher
-Spen Window Manager
-Multiwindow Manager
-Pie Controls
-Performance Control
-Gps quick fix
-Fast Dormancy Toggle
-Media Drain Fix
- Xposed Framework Mods
-Xposed Framework Installer
-Per-App DPI Settings
-Xposed Theme Engine
-Xposed Icon Themer
-Xposed Unl. Lockscreen Widgets
-Wanam Xposed
- JellyBeans OTA/Addons Downloade

Here: http://www.androidfilehost.com/?fid=23212708291677768
and as a torrent in the xda devdb
md5: 4274da6d87c5985e828974d2e1b1ad23
old builds can be found here: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?a=s...iles&flid=9436

Works with Safestrap or Dev Edition
Step 1-
Make Sure You Have a Custom Recovery Safestrap or Twrp
Step 2-
Wipe all(factory reset and davlick wipe) if coming from an old build
Step 3-
Install the Rom
Step 4-
Reboot and Enjoy!
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